Brand Breakthrough

Set yourself apart from the sea of sameness and reel in high-ticket clients on repeat with messaging that works like a magnet.

Elle Baron brand and website designer for coaches

Imagine instead of stressing about where your next client’s gonna come from…you wake up to an overflowing inbox asking “How soon can we get started?"


You’re a bold coach or service-based solopreneur who took the plunge to chase your passion and build a business. But now, you’re craving more: more clients, more income, and a bigger impact.

You’re done with hearing the same tired excuses like "I can't afford this right now" or "Maybe another time…” from people who should be lining up to work with you.

You know your services are exactly what they need, so it’s mind-boggling that they can’t see it.

You’re ready to become THE go-to expert, attracting clients who recognise your value and keep coming back for more.


This is perfect for you if…

— You envy others similar to you that are getting hired left and right, leaving you wondering why you’re always the bridesmaid and never the bride.

— You use vague messaging like “improve your well-being” and “become your best self” that attracts unaligned “you’re too expensive” clients.

— You’ve worked so hard to craft incredible offers that you KNOW can make a huge difference to people’s lives, but you struggle to actually sell them,

— You struggle to put into words the remarkable transformation your services actually deliver.

— You don’t feel confident charging a premium rate for your services and constantly wonder “Will people really pay this?!”

— Your sooo sick of worrying where your next client will come from and questioning if all this stress is really worth it.

Learn how to become so irresistible… your dream clients happily wait months to work with you.


  • A rock-solid brand strategy gives you crystal-clear clarity on who you’re here for and exactly what you need to do, say, and embody to pull those people to your business

  • That perfectly expresses what you do, resonate deeply with your dream clients, and effortlessly attracts them to your brand.

  • A written-for-you brand story that not only connects deeply with your audience but also shares your journey to where you are now, all while subtly sealing the deal.

  • 1. Find Your Focus: I’ll help you confidently pick a niche that you LOVE and that the market really needs.

    2. Demographic Deep Dive: let’s get to know your target market on the deeeepest level, uncovering everything about them so we can understand how to lure them in.

    3. Your Brand’s Foundation: we will define the purpose, vision and mission of your brand so you clearly understand your bigger picture goals and how to get there.

    4. Positioning Your Brand & Your Story: It’s time to discover how you’re different and craft a compelling brand story that resonates with your target market

    5. Expressing Your Brand: it’s time to work on your messaging, tone of voice and your brand’s personality, so you can consistently show up and connect with your audience.


5 weeks

The step-by-step process:

Jessica Hanlon — Photographer

“After working with Elle, everything changed. Not only did I confidently give my website a makeover, but I also landed some exciting partnerships and upped my rates without hesitation…Working on my brand story with Elle was a big “wow” moment for me - she made me sound cool and professional in a way I couldn't have done myself. Having all the done-for-you messaging from Brand Breakthrough made building my website a piece of cake.”

Alice Wikström: Emotional Resilience Coach

“After we started working together, my messaging became clearer, and I suddenly had a direction that felt right and aligned with what I truly do. As a result, I began receiving more leads and even gained a few more clients right away.”

Elle Baron brand and website designer for coaches

— Craft irresistible messaging that effortlessly attracts dream clients to you like a magnet

— Understand your audience on the deepest level, learning exactly what you need to say and do to get them to hire you.

— Create offers you know will sell out even before you launch it “officially” because you’ve fostered a “ready to buy” community that trusts your brand and the transformational work that you do.

—  No longer considering going back to a 9-5 because you’re booked out until Q3; not to mention you even have a waitlist of “willing to sit in the cold for a spot” clients.

— Know your worth with confidence and charging premium rates for your services.

— Have the privilege of saying “we’re not a fit” to clients that you’re just “kind of” into because you’re clear as day as to who you would love to work with.

Get ready to…


Investment Options

One payment of: 15,995 SEK / €1,415 +VAT


Two payments of: 8,250 SEK /  €730 +VAT


Three payments of: 5,666 SEK /  €500 +VAT



Limited-Time Bonuses worth €597

20-Day Content Plan for High-Ticket Client Attraction (worth  €299)

Consistent, high-quality content is key to attracting and converting clients, but planning it can be overwhelming - not any more!

Branding & Website Next Steps Checklist (worth  €99)

Ensuring that all elements of your brand and website align with your new strategy and messaging is a challenge without a comprehensive checklist.

Ultimate Testimonials Success Kit (worth  €199)

Testimonials are your secret weapon for boosting credibility and attracting high-ticket clients, yet so many drop the ball on collecting and using them right. This kit will show you exactly how to receive killer testimonials that go way beyond "She’s so nice to work with."

Are you interested? Book a call with me to get started.


  • Brand Breakthrough focuses exclusively on crafting a strategic foundation for your brand. We dive deep into your messaging, audience, and brand story, ensuring everything you say resonates with the right people and attracts high-ticket clients. This isn’t about visuals—it’s about strategy that converts.

  • It's never too early to start building a strong foundation. In fact, starting with a clear brand can save you time, money, and effort in the long run. It ensures you attract the right clients from the get-go and sets the tone for all your future business endeavours.

  • Branding is an investment in your business's future. While it's hard to quantify the exact ROI, a strong brand can lead to increased trust, higher client retention, more referrals, and the ability to charge premium prices. Over time, these benefits can significantly outweigh the initial investment.

  • Yes, I offer 3, 6 or 9-month payment plans. We can discuss this in our discovery call.

  • The discovery call is a chance for us to get to know each other and see if we’re a good match.

    It’s an informal chat and we will talk all about your business, where you’re currently at and your goals.

  • That’s great! Brand Breakthrough is designed to either refine what you already have or help you build from scratch. If your current messaging isn’t delivering results, we’ll work together to tweak and elevate it so it attracts your dream clients and reflects your true value.

  • Absolutely! Even if you’re clear on your target market, Brand Breakthrough helps refine how you communicate with them. It's about making sure your messaging speaks to their needs, addresses their pain points, and positions you as the only solution they want. We’ll take what you know and elevate it to attract even more high-ticket clients.

  • Without a solid strategy, even the best offers can get lost in the noise. A brand strategy is what makes your messaging, services, and positioning crystal clear to your ideal clients. It ensures you’re not just another face in the crowd - it helps you stand out, attract clients who see your value, and create a brand that keeps people coming back. Strategy is the foundation that sets you up for long-term success, not just short-term wins.